‘Fractured Lens’ soundtrack for walking installation.

In 1690 the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens theorised in his Traité de la Lumiére that the movement of light was of mechanical and mathematic synthetic. These observations stemmed from his endless gazing at the night sky. As Huygens did his mapping of the stars and planets with a telescope crafted by the philosopher Baruch Spinoza, the man who would set in motion how we view the microcosm of history, would eventually succumb to the inhalation of tiny particles of glass. A death fitting to his pursuits in optics and lens-grinding. 

As of today, the Hubble Telescope orbits the earth travelling at 17’000 miles an hour and observes light from 13.4 billion years ago. The images transmitted provides its viewers with a glimpse of the patterns of the universe. Contained are ribbons of light and matter that hold fault lines and flows of sound that are shadowed, yet, vibrant. The patterns and frequencies of our soundtracks are anchored in these skies.

To enjoy the Fractured Lens walking installation wherever you are in the world, please follow the Bandcamp link below and the directions that accompany each song.


